In this short post we will explain what you will find in our salon when you come next. We will try to make your visit as lovely and relaxing as ever, but with this small protocol, we all will be safe.

The health and security of our customers and staff members id our priority. We have undertaken a COVID-19 risk assessment and get the PPE that we considered necessary for everyone to be safe under 2m of distance.
We are afraid that if the customers or its companion fails to observe safety measures will result in services not being provided to the customer, and they will be kindly ask to leave the premises.
Here we go!
* Re-schedule if you have any symptoms, if you feel unwell, or if you have recently been in contact with someone who has been. Symptoms that are common: the recent onset of a new continuous cough, high temperature, a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell.
*Arrive on time to your appointment. We have a very tight schedule to attend as many of you as soon as possible! If the delay is such that there is not enough time to do the service, the service would not be provided but would be fully charged.
* Avoid bringing a companion. We only have 1 seat in the waiting area, and children accompanying an adult, parents accompanying children and the companion of elderly people have priority.
* Avoid bringing food or drink, only a water bottle if you need to. We are allowed to provide hot drinks is disposable cups.
* VERY IMPORTANT! Wait outside of the salon; only enter when one member of staff indicates that we are ready for you to enter. We need to clean between costumers, and direct everyone to avoid unnecessary risks.
* Follow the steps that the member of staff indicates:
o Mandatory use of a suitable mask (or get one from the salon for £1).
o Leave your belongings in the coat stand. Only take the objects that you will need
during your service (phone, book) and clean them with paper and gel. Clean your hands
with gel.
o Sat down on your assigned chair.
* Inside of the salon:
o Be 2m apart from the other people inside of the salon.
o Avoid talking face-to-face if possible (better though the mirror).
o We are not allowed to offer you magazines; refreshments only on disposable cups.
o Do not shout. Do not talk over the noise of the hairdryer.

Thanks so much to contribute to keep everyone safe.
We hope you have a lovely experience,
you cannot imagine how much me missed all of you!