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How to use Ayurvedic herbs at home

Writer: Alex ToledoAlex Toledo

Ayurveda is the so-called "Science sister" of yoga. It is the traditional medicine of India.

However, it is more than just a science: it takes into account all aspects of life (holistic). For instance, solving a hair problem would imply several lifestyle changes, including nutritional changes, a less stressful life, etc.

Here we are not going to get into detail. What we want is you to be able to take advantage of the ancient knowledge of Ayurveda from the comfort of your home. We know that not everyone can afford the time and money to come to the salon every week. So we have created packages of 100g for you to use 2-4 times at home.

In our salon, now you can find:


This shampoo is perfect for your in any circumstance, but specially if you

  • suffer of scalp problems (dandruff, itchiness, dermatitis, sensitive skin)

  • are following the curly girl method, you have curly hair and want a no-poo cleanser

  • you want to detoxify your hair from silicones and other chemicals, embracing your natural hair

  • are seeking for a more sustainable and natural way of living :-) and are worried about your health and the health of the planet

How it works?

  1. To prepare it, mix 1 part of powder with 3 parts of warm water (almost boiling).

  2. Mix until it has a yogurt consistency.

  3. Apply on the scalp.

  4. Leave it 10min-1h (if more than 10min, use a plastic cap, to keep the moisture).

  5. Rinse with water.

  6. Use conditioner if needed.


A mix of herbs that act hugging your hair, making it thicker and stronger.

This treatment is perfect for your in any circumstance, but specially if you:

  • want a boost of shine

  • have died or bleach your hair and it is fragile, dry, damaged

  • have natural curly hair (Afro, curly), which benefits from periodic protective treatments

  • have fine hair, and you are trying to grow it long

  • hair tends to breakage

How it works?

  1. To prepare it, mix 1 part of powder with 3 parts of warm water (around 45C, you should be able to stick the finger inside).

  2. Mix until it has a yogurt consistency.

  3. Apply on the middle length and the tips of the hair.

  4. Leave it 20min-2h (see the table below for recommendations) (if more than 10min, use a plastic cap, to keep the moisture).

  5. Rinse with water.

  6. Use conditioner if needed.


This treatment stops hair fall, balances the scalp, stimulates hair grown, and reinforces and protects the hair.

But it does not have any effect on the areas where the hair has already been lost and the follicle is dead. Therefore, we would recommend you starting as soon as you notice any hair loss, or as a prevention, if there is genetic hair loss in your family. You can come for a consultation and we can tell you if it is a good choice for you.

Duration of the whole treatment?

  • In order to be effective, it needs to be applied once per week during a minimum of 12 weeks. Miracles don't exist, but consistency does the job!

  • If the hair fall is severe, we recommend prolonging the treatment 12 weeks more, alternating weeks.

  • Ideally, this treatment should be taken in alternating weeks for 4-7 months, in order to reinforce hair and scalp during all the phases of hair growth (anagen, catagen, telogen).

How it works?

  1. To prepare it, mix 1 part of powder with 3 parts of warm water (around 45C, you should be able to stick the finger inside).

  2. Mix until it has a yogurt consistency.

  3. Apply on the scalp.

  4. Leave it 20min-2h (see the table below for recommendations) (if more than 10min, use a plastic cap, to keep the moisture).

  5. Rinse with water.

  6. Use conditioner if needed.


Now you can get henna, and indigo from our salon.

Plant colours are free from any toxic chemical. ​This way of colouring is perfect for your in any circumstance, but specially if you:​

  • are experiencing hair loss

  • suffer of scalp problems (dermatitis, psoriasis, dandruff, itchiness, sensitive skin,...)

  • suffer from dull, dry, lifeless hair

  • are pregnant

  • have cancer or any kind of condition that benefits from reducing the use of chemicals

  • are following the curly girl method and don't want to put that many chemicals on your hair

  • you want to detoxify your hair from silicones and other chemicals, embracing your natural hair

  • are seeking for a more sustainable and natural way of living :-) and are worried about your health and the health of the planet

If you want a highlight effect for your whites, mix henna and indigo. Your whites will be blonde / light brown.

For orange / reddish tones, use henna.

Check out the amount of shine that henna gives, even in dark hair:

For brown tones, and to cover your whites very well, use 1 step of henna + a second step of indigo.

Below you can see an example. The first step was with henna, that colour the white hairs orange. The second step was mostly with indigo (middle) that took 2 days to oxidize and get darker (right).

How it works?

  1. To prepare it, mix 1 part of powder with 3 parts of warm water (around 45C, you should be able to stick the finger inside).

  2. Mix until it has a yogurt consistency.

  3. Apply.

  4. Leave it at least 2h, use a plastic cap, to keep the moisture.

  5. Rinse with water.

  6. Use conditioner if needed.

  7. Do not wash your hair for 2-3 days, to let the plant oxidize and fully bind to the hair.

Few white hairs

50% white hairs

100% white hairs

Mix of henna + indigo for 2-4h

White hairs will look blonde / light brown

White hairs will look blonde / light brown

All hair blonde / light brown

Henna for 2-3h

White hairs will look orange / red

White hairs will look orange / red

All hair will look orange / red

1st step henna (2h), 2nd step indigo (2-4h)

White hairs will look reddish brown (second step 2h) / brown (second step 4h)

White hairs will look reddish brown (second step 2h) / brown (second step 4h)

All hair will look reddish brown (second step 2h) / brown (second step 4h)


  • "I am totally lost. I would like to start my natural haircare journey, but I don't know where to start"

We would recommend you starting with the plant-shampoo, 1 per week. But you want to start with more, maybe visit us, call us or send us an email, so we can do a consultation.

  • "I don't like the herbal smell"

No problem. Instead of water you can use a infusion of a plant your like (camomile, lavender,...) or some drops of essential oil.

  • "I am looking for a plant-shampoo or scalp treatment specifically design for my problems"

Let us know (call us, email us), and we can formulate and make one specifically for you!

  • "How long do I need to leave the plant mix on my head?"

How long you can leave your plant mix depends on the colour of your hair, as some plants can start to stain your hair slightly if you leave them longer than 20min. See the table below:

Dark hair

Blonde or white hair

Plant shampoo



Damaged/fragile/fine hair treatment



Hair loss/hair growth treatment



* In all cases, if you are leaving the mix for more than 10min put a shower cap, as we want to keep the moisture.



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